“Age is Just a Number" - But Is It, Really?

ageism career confidence leadership development mindset professional resilience Jul 23, 2024
A vibrant silver-haired woman look up with frustration and annoyance at the phrase

Overcoming Ageism in Today's Job Market


Ageism.  Ugh!   Nobody really wants to talk about it.


For those of us feeling its sting, it's a constant, frustrating battle that leaves us tired and worn out.


For those of us who aren't experiencing it, it's just another topic we’d rather avoid.


But here's the reality, it isn’t going away until we address it.


Ageism is that sneaky voice in the back of your mind saying, "You're too old for this job," – OR – "They're only looking for young, fresh talent."


It's enough to make anyone feel stuck in a professional rut, fearful of losing all the momentum you have created in your career for something that seems wildly out of your control.


But, are we going to let this perception box us in?


Or are we going to shatter it with a mindset that screams,

"I am ageless and unstoppable!"?


Come on…I know your singing it in your head already! 


“I’m unstoppable. I’m unstoppable today!” (Sia)


Let’s dive into the powerful ageless mindset that will turn those perceived barriers into steppingstones towards your dream career.



The Ageism Illusion

First, let’s recognize ageism for what it is — it’s an illusion.


Sure, there are biases and misconceptions out there. We’ve all seen and heard about it.


BUT … they're not the ultimate truth of your career journey.


They're just obstacles, and guess what?


Obstacles are meant to be overcome.


The real question is: how do we deal with this illusion without letting it define us?


Conforming vs. Transforming


Conforming to the perception of ageism is like wearing a jacket that's two sizes too small. It's uncomfortable, restrictive, and doesn't let you move freely.



When we conform, we start to believe those whispers and doubts.


We start to think, "Maybe I should stick to what I know," – OR – "Perhaps it's too late to switch careers."


But what if we chose to transform instead?


Transformation begins with a shift in mindset.


It starts with acknowledging that your experiences, skills, and wisdom are assets, not liabilities.


It’s about embracing the journey, not just the destination.


When you transform your mindset, you transform your reality.


You stop seeing your age as a limitation and start seeing it as a superpower.


The Power of Mindset

Think about it — mindset is everything.

  • It’s the difference between seeing a rainy day as a mood killer or a chance to dance in the puddles.
  • It’s the difference between viewing age as a countdown clock or as a treasure chest of experiences.


An ageless mindset is resilient.


It sees every challenge as an opportunity to grow.

  • It’s adaptable, continuously learning and evolving.
  • It’s confident, knowing that every chapter of your career story adds depth and richness to your professional narrative.


A Story of Ageless Brilliance: Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is a legend who exemplifies the ageless mindset.


You know him from his iconic voice and captivating performances, but did you know that Freeman’s big break came much later in life?


Despite starting his acting career in his 30s, it wasn't until his 50s that he landed the role that truly catapulted him to stardom in "Driving Miss Daisy."


Imagine if Freeman had let ageism or the fear of being too old hold him back. What if he had said, "I'm too old to make it in Hollywood"?


Thankfully, he didn't.


He embraced his age, his talent, and his unique journey.


His perseverance and belief in himself led him to become one of the most respected and beloved actors of our time.


Morgan Freeman's story teaches us that it's never too late to achieve greatness.


Your age is not a barrier; it's a testament to your journey, filled with experiences and wisdom that younger counterparts can only aspire to.


Steps to Cultivate an Ageless Mindset

Reframe Your Narrative: Instead of saying, "I'm too old for this," say, "I bring years of invaluable experience to the table."

Your story is unique and powerful. Own it.


Continuous Learning: Embrace the learner’s mindset.

  • Sign up for that new course
  • Learn that new software
  • Dive into industry trends


Show the world (and yourself) that growth doesn't have an expiration date.


Network Authentically: Connect with people who value your experience. 

Seek out mentors and mentees alike. What’s awesome is that networking isn’t about age; it’s about relationships and shared goals.


Stay Positive and Persistent: The job search can be daunting, but don’t let setbacks define you.

Every "no" is one step closer to a "yes."

Keep your spirits high and your eyes on the prize.


Celebrate Small Wins: Every interview, every connection made, every skill learned is a victory.


Celebrate them. They are the building blocks of your bigger success story.


Your Dream Career Awaits

The perception of ageism doesn't have to be a roadblock.


It can be a motivator, a challenge that propels you to prove just how ageless and incredible you are.


Embrace the mindset that your best professional days are not behind you—they’re right in front of you, waiting to be seized with all the passion and enthusiasm you’ve always had.


Your career journey is not a sprint; it’s a marathon.


And in this marathon, it’s not about how young you are but about how far you’re willing to go.


I invite you to ditch the outdated perceptions, embrace the ageless mindset and make your dream a reality!


Make it a joyous and ageless day!

