Emotion of the Week: Balance for Lasting Success & Well-Being

career confidence emotional intelligence engagement leadership development professional resilience Sep 17, 2024
An image titled 'The Emotion of Balance' from the E.M.O.T.E. model, showing a gymnast performing an upside-down split on a balance beam. Three motivational phrases are displayed: 'From Burnout to Recharged & Ready,' 'From Overwhelmed to Centered & In Control,' and 'From Overcommitted to Focused & Present.' Each phrase highlights different stages of achieving balance in leadership, accompanied by empowering statements about recharging, setting boundaries, and maintaining control. The image uses a dark background with bright yellow and white text, representing balance in both leadership and personal well-being.

Mastering Balance in Leadership: How to Sustain Success and Well-Being

Ever feel like Alicia D’Amato at the 2024 Paris Olympics—everything’s on the line, and you’ve got to perform at your peak?

Leaders often thrive in those high-stakes moments, but what many of us forget is that, like an athlete, to truly win, you have to prepare, pace yourself, and recover.

Leadership isn’t just about showing up when it counts; it’s about sustaining yourself so you can keep showing up at your best.


E – Explore:

Balance is one of the most important emotions for leaders to master.

It’s that sweet spot where you’re fully present for your team but also giving yourself the space to recharge.


🟢 When you’ve got balance, you’re all in when it matters, but you also know when to step back to reset.


🚫 Without balance, it’s easy to swing too far in either direction.

      ⚠️ Get too caught up in the day-to-day, and burnout isn’t far behind.

      ⚠️ Pull back too much, and your team can start feeling neglected.


Balance is about finding the rhythm between showing up and taking a breather.


M – Message:

When you’re out of balance, the message is clear: you’re giving too much or too little, and it’s time to realign.


If you’re constantly drained or feeling disconnected from your team, balance is telling you that something needs to change. It’s a signal to slow down, delegate, or take a step back to recharge.


On the flip side, when you’re in balance, you’ll feel calm, focused, and in control.


The message here?


Balance is your power source—it’s what allows you to be fully present, make clear decisions, and lead with energy. When you’re nailing balance, leadership feels sustainable, and you’re able to show up at your best without sacrificing your well-being.


O – Observe:

Take a minute to check in: how does balance (or the lack of it) show up in your daily life?

      💡⁉️ Are there days when you’re so deep in the weeds that you can’t see the bigger picture?

      💡⁉️ Are there moments when you’re so hands-off that your team feels like they’re flying solo?

These are the clues that your balance is off.


Pay attention to those little signals—feeling frazzled, stretched too thin, or, on the flip side, disconnected.


Those emotions are your guideposts, telling you it’s time to make a shift.


Start noticing when you’re out of sync, and use that awareness to adjust before things get too out of hand.


T – Transform:

How do you make balance a regular practice?

It starts with setting clear boundaries that protect both your time and energy.

Here are three things you can do:

Block “focus time” on your calendar: Dedicate specific hours for deep work or personal recharge, and treat it as non-negotiable. This helps you stay productive while also giving yourself space to breathe.

Set clear communication windows: Let your team know when you’re available for questions or meetings, and stick to those times. This helps manage expectations and prevents you from feeling constantly “on.”

Learn to say no (strategically): Not every request requires your immediate attention. Be mindful of what aligns with your priorities and delegate or defer tasks when necessary. Saying no helps you protect your bandwidth for the things that matter most while also giving your team opportunities to grow.

By implementing these practices, you’ll create a leadership style that supports both your well-being and your team’s success.


E – Empower:

Mastering balance doesn’t just make you a better leader—it empowers your whole team.


When you prioritize balance, you show your team that it’s possible to be successful without sacrificing well-being.

And that’s a powerful message. Balance gives you the clarity, resilience, and focus to lead with purpose.


Balance isn’t a one-time achievement; it’s a lifelong practice.


By staying tuned in and making adjustments as needed, you create a leadership style that not only drives results but also supports well-being—for yourself and those you lead.


As you go forward, keep asking yourself:

      💡⁉️ Where can I adjust?

      💡⁉️ How can I lead with more balance?