Emotion of the Week: Curiosity: The Power Behind Growth & Innovation

career confidence career joy emotional intelligence engagement leadership development performance improvement Oct 14, 2024
Curiosity is presented with a goat peeking through a fence in the center. Left column shows transitions

Remember when you were a kid, full of endless questions and boundless curiosity?

“Why?” was our favorite question.

Somewhere along the way, many of us stop asking "Why?.  Not because we've lost the spark, but because life gets busy.

Curiosity isn’t just for kids anymore; it’s a superpower that we often forget to use as adults.

In our fast-paced professional world, curiosity is the key to

➡️ unlocking innovation,

➡️ driving problem-solving, and

➡️ staying ahead in a landscape that’s always evolving


Ready to see how this often-overlooked tool can fuel your success and growth?

Let’s dive in.


E – Explore: Curiosity in the Workplace

Curiosity isn’t just about wanting to know how things work—it’s that little voice saying,

“What if there’s a better way?”

In the workplace, curiosity can be your secret weapon.

It’s what makes leaders ask, “How can we do this differently?” and pushes you to keep learning, even when things feel routine.

Whether you're rethinking how you lead your team or just looking for ways to sharpen your skills, curiosity opens the door to new possibilities.

It keeps you engaged, inspired, and ready to tackle challenges with fresh eyes.


Question: How often are you using curiosity to inspire positive change?


M – Message: What Curiosity is Telling You

Curiosity has a clear message: There’s always more.


🧱 stuck?

😕 bored?

🌀 Like you’re just going through the motions at work?


That’s curiosity reminding you that growth is still possible.


Leaders who lean into their curiosity might discover new ways to motivate their teams, while individuals could unlock career paths or skills they haven’t explored yet.

It’s like curiosity is tapping you on the shoulder, saying, “Don’t settle. There’s more for you out there.”


Question: Where is curiosity whispering “there’s more for you!” to you at work?


O – Observe: When Curiosity Shows Up

Start paying attention to when your curiosity kicks in.

➡️ Is it in meetings where someone throws out an idea, and you think, “Hmm, what if...?”

➡️ Or maybe when you hit a roadblock and wonder, “Is there a better solution?”


Those moments are telling you to dig deeper.

They’re little nudges pushing you to explore what’s possible.

🔍 As a leader, that might mean finding new ways to solve old problems.

🔍 As a professional, it could signal the perfect time to upskill or take on a new project.


Question: What patterns do you notice when curiosity sparks for you?


T – Transform: Channeling Curiosity into Action

Curiosity is great, but if you stop at just thinking about it, you miss the magic.

The real power comes when you act on it. Start by asking open-ended questions like,

“What if we tried this?”


“How might we approach this differently?”

➡️ Encourage your team to ask the same.

➡️ For you personally, take that curiosity and turn it into action

💡 sign up for a course

💡 reach out to a mentor

💡 dive into reseearching something new


Curiosity in action drives both personal and professional growth.


Question: What’s one curiosity-driven idea you can take action on today?


E – Empower: Your Curiosity is Your Superpower

Here’s the big takeaway: curiosity is your superpower.

💪 It keeps you growing,

💪 helps you adapt, and

💪 makes you a better leader or professional.

So the next time that spark of curiosity hits, don’t brush it off. Follow it.

Let it lead you to new ideas, new solutions, and bigger opportunities.

Whether you’re leading a team or charting your own career path, curiosity is what will keep you evolving—and in today’s world, that’s exactly what you need.


Question: How will you harness your curiosity to unlock your next level of growth?