From Try to Triumph: The Secret to Success Isn’t More Effort

career confidence engagement performance improvement productivity professional growth zone of genius Oct 02, 2024

The Power of a Little 'Umph': How Strategic Effort Leads to Triumph


Stop trying so hard. Just give it a little UMPH!


“The difference between try and triumph is a little ‘umph.’”


That "umph" isn’t about working harder or doing more—

➡️ it’s about being intentional

➡️ putting effort where it counts, and

➡️ finding the joy in what you do.


Whether you’re leading an organization or taking charge of your own career, success comes from focusing on what matters most and giving your best to the right things.


This week, we're diving into the role of effort in achieving success, not through endless hustle, but through strategic and purposeful action.


Let’s explore how that little extra "umph" can transform effort into triumph.


Emotion Highlight: Effort

Effort isn’t about exhausting yourself by doing everything—it's about giving your best to the things that truly matter.

The message of effort is clear: success comes when we direct our energy purposefully, intentionally, and aligned with our vision and values.


When we focus on high-impact tasks, we can do less while achieving more.


🏋️‍♂️ This week, I challenge you to shift your mindset.


Effort isn’t just about pushing harder; it’s about putting a little extra "umph" behind the right moves to make your work more meaningful, rewarding and aligned.


Leadership Insight

Leaders, our greatest triumphs come not from working longer or harder, but from strategically applying our energy where it will have the most impact.

Stop running yourself ragged!

We’re not hired to simply log hours; we’re here to generate results. 📊

The difference between trying and triumphing often comes down to directing your effort to those unique responsibilities that maximize your strengths and push the organization forward.

That’s why it’s crucial to focus on the tasks that only we, as leaders, can do.

Are you the one who should be

💪 developing the long-term strategy,

💪 fostering key relationships, or

💪 mentoring rising talent within your team?

Where do your unique leadership skills have the greatest impact? By concentrating your effort in those areas, you not only elevate your organization but also create space for others to step up and grow.


Here’s the secret: success doesn’t require endless hustle—it requires clarity of purpose and a commitment to focus on what truly moves the needle.

When you invest your "umph" in leading with intention, you not only increase your impact but also create a culture that values balance and purpose over burnout.


Actionable Tip: This week, identify one task or responsibility that only you can handle as a leader, and put your best effort into that. Shift your focus away from unnecessary tasks and give your "umph" where it counts the most. That’s how you turn trying into triumph.


Career Empowerment

Career professionals, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that more hours mean more success. This is a lie!

True career growth doesn’t come from burning the midnight oil—it comes from knowing where to focus your energy.

Effort isn’t about doing more of everything; it’s about doing more of the things that matter most to you and your goals.

Examine the tasks on your plate. 

🔎 Are you focusing your efforts on the things that will push your career forward, or are you simply trying to keep up with the endless to-do list?

By putting your energy into the right tasks—the ones that align with your strengths and your career vision—you’ll find that you can create powerful results without sacrificing your well-being.

[Not sure what your career vision looks like yet? If you’re serious about making a shift to create joy, fulfillment and meaning in your career AND you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, let’s chat. I’m offering a complimentary consultation to see if my WILD 1:1 Career Coaching program is the right fit for you—no pressure, just an honest conversation to explore if you’re ready for the next level. But fair warning: I only work with folks who are truly ready to take charge of their career! Book a WILD Career Breakthrough Call HERE.

Success Story:

Meet Jenna, an IT professional who used to believe that success meant working late nights and saying yes to every project.

Her breakthrough came when she realized that doing intentional, value-aligned work was far more impactful than simply clocking in more hours.

With this new perspective, Jenna identified her zone of genius is solving complex problems and driving innovation. She began focusing on projects that leveraged those strengths and ones that also aligned with her long-term career vision.

By channeling her energy into what truly lit her up, Jenna not only felt more engaged and confident but, within months, her dedication and expertise led to a major promotion—and a deeper sense of purpose in her work.


Takeaway: You don’t have to do it all to triumph in your career. Put your "umph" behind the work that matters most, and you’ll see the results you’ve been striving for.


Shared Wisdom

"Success is not the result of unrelenting effort; it's the reward for focused effort in the right direction."

🤔Take a moment to reflect🪞 —> Where can you strategically apply your "umph" today to create the biggest impact tomorrow?


Take Action Now

This week, choose one high-impact area where you can direct your focused effort.

How can you put that extra "umph" behind the tasks that align with your strengths and goals?

Let that be your confidence booster and the key to turning effort into triumph.


Let's Spark a Conversation! 🔥

What’s one area in your leadership or career where you’ve seen strategic effort pay off?

Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear how a little extra "umph" helped you turn your trying moments into triumphs.