Expectations: How Expectations Can Make or Break You

career confidence performance improvement professional resilience Sep 29, 2024
Scenic nature image with a stone bridge reflected in calm water, surrounded by green trees. Overlaid text reads: 'GREAT EXPECTATIONS – When you expect greatness, it shows up.' The hashtag #iamenough is displayed at the bottom, becaue you are enough!

Have you ever noticed how the way others see you can impact how you see yourself?

Maybe someone’s belief pushed you to excel, or perhaps low expectations made you second-guess your abilities.

That’s the Pygmalion Effect—the idea that what others believe about us can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This week in the Confidence Chronicles, we’ll explore how you can avoid the trap of unconscious bias that limits your team’s potential and how you can find environments that truly support your own growth.

Let’s talk about the power of belief—and how it can make or break success.


Emotion Highlight: Expectations

Expectation is a powerful emotion rooted in anticipation.  It’s the feeling of looking ahead, consciously or unconsciously, to what we believe will happen.

➡ Expectations can motivate us to strive for more when they’re positive, creating a sense of excitement and potential.

➡ On the flip side, negative or low expectations can create anxiety, self-doubt, and limit what we believe is possible for ourselves or others.

Whether we’re setting expectations for ourselves or receiving them from others, they shape how we show up in our work and life.


Leadership Insight: Breaking the Cycle of Unconscious Bias

Potential leadership pitfall alert: it’s easy to let unconscious bias sneak in.

Without realizing it, we sometimes label people as "high potential" and others as “needs improvement,” shaping how we interact with them.

We unwittingly give more opportunities and attention to those we believe in, while others may unintentionally get sidelined.


Leadership Empowerment Strategy: bring hyper-awareness to these potential biases so you can intentionally foster potential across your entire team.

When you believe in someone, they often rise to the challenge, even when the odds are stacked against them.


Actionable Tip: Do a self-check.

💪 Are you unintentionally holding someone back because of what we assume about their abilities?

💪 Are you fostering growth across the entire team by setting high, but fair, expectations for everyone.

💪 Are there team members you’ve unintentionally written off as “not ready” or “not capable”?


Try leveling the playing field by offering equal support and expectations to all, and watch how they rise.

Be that leader who sees greatness - always.


🔥 BONUS: Ready to break the cycle of unconscious bias and empower your entire team? Download this 'Leadership Growth Worksheet: Unconscious Bias Awareness Exercise' now to assess your team dynamics and take actionable steps toward fostering greatness in everyone.


 Career Empowerment: Choose Your Circle of Believers

Career Growth Pitfall Alert: 

Your environment has a huge impact on your success, but are you surrounded by people who truly support your growth?

Sometimes, without realizing it, we stay in places that limit our potential—where colleagues or bosses may doubt our abilities, and that doubt chips away at our confidence.

Career Empowerment Strategy:

Take control of your career by surrounding yourself with people who believe in you. When you place yourself in environments that nurture your growth, you’ll reach new levels of success.

Actionable Tip:

💪 Are your boss and colleagues lifting you up or holding you back?

💪 Do you have mentors who actively support your development?

💪 Is it time to seek out a network or opportunity that truly values your potential?

BONUS: Ready to assess your environment and make the shift toward growth? Download the Career Growth Worksheet: Support System Inventory and take charge of your future!


Shared Wisdom

"People treat you the way you let them treat you. Expect greatness from others, and you’ll be surprised how often they rise to the occasion."

– Unknown

The expectations you set for yourself and others shape what’s possible.

Let this be your guide as you lead others and lead your own career.


Take Action Now

This week, reflect on how expectations—whether from yourself or others—have shaped your career or leadership journey.

Have they pushed you forward or held you back?

➡ Identify one area where limiting beliefs or low expectations are affecting your growth or the growth of someone on your team.

➡ Then, take a decisive step: challenge those expectations by offering more trust, seeking feedback, or placing yourself in an environment that pushes you to exceed those limits.


Let’s Spark a Conversation! 🔥

Got a hot topic or burning question on your mind?

Drop it in the comments below—I’m all ears and ready to dive in. Your ideas could be the inspiration for our next big discussion!