True Power: The Courage to Be Authentically You

career confidence emotional intelligence leadership development Sep 03, 2024
An animated businesswoman is depicted in two contrasting images. On the left, she embodies the light side of pride, standing confidently with a warm, radiant smile, holding a small award, and appearing proud of her achievements. The background suggests success, with a bright, well-lit environment with the words “What I hope you SEE”. On the right, the same businesswoman shows the frazzled unkempt side of a woman who is burnt out with the words “How I really FEEL”.  The contrast demonstrates the struggle we face when we allow the shadow side of pride to talk us out of showing up as our authentic self.  #iamenough.

Strength comes from embracing who you truly are—no masks or pretense.  Step into your authentic power & let go of what’s holding you back.


Sara was a leader who, on paper, seemed to have it all together.

Picture-perfect resume

➡ “I’ve got it all figured out” vibe

➡ An always-polished appearance that never hinted at a single flaw


But behind the scenes? She was exhausted.


The pressure to keep up the facade was draining her energy. She was on the brink of burn-out and it was only a matter of time before cracks started to show.

After yet another sleepless night, she found herself staring at her reflection, realizing that this endless pursuit of perfection was not only unsustainable but also inauthentic.

She decided she’d had enough of hiding and committed to showing up as authentically Sara.

That morning, she walked into a team meeting, took a deep breath, and said, “You know what? I don’t have all the answers, and I’m tired of pretending I do.”


(dramatic pause)


You could have heard a pin drop.

The anticipation and anxiety of that moment started showing up as doubt in her head.

And then …. something incredible happened.

Her team rallied around her, offering support, ideas, and—most importantly—trust.

The more she leaned into her authentic self, the stronger her leadership became.


She wasn’t just managing a team, she was:

💪 Leading the team with authenticity

💪 Sparking a movement of realness and connection

💪 Demonstrating that true power comes from embracing who you really are


In a world that often celebrates the polished, the poised, and the perfect, there’s immense power in stepping out from behind the mask.


True power isn’t about fitting into a mold or pretending to be something you’re not.

It’s about embracing the truth of who you are, flaws and all, and leading from that place of authenticity.


🌟 Today, we’re diving deep into the liberating force of AUTHENTICITY and how it can transform your leadership and career journey. 🌟

Emotion Highlight: Pride

This week, we are highlighting PRIDE. It’s one of those emotions that can either be your biggest ally or your toughest challenge.

At its best, pride gives us the confidence to stand tall, to recognize our worth, and to celebrate our achievements.


When pride is working in your favor, it

🟢 gives you that boost of confidence to walk into any room with your head held high

🟢 evokes that amazing feeling you get when you know you’ve put in the work and you love what you’ve accomplished

🟢 helps you recognize your worth and motivates you to keep pushing forward

And, pride can also get in the way if we’re not careful.


When it starts being more about protecting an image than being real, it can

⚫ make it hard to admit when we’re wrong

⚫ stop us from asking for help when we need it most

⚫ create distance between us and others, isolating us in our pursuit of perfection

That’s where the shadow side of pride comes in.


How do we grow from this?

Use pride as a way to

➡ fuel your passion

➡ keep you grounded in your strengths

➡ remain mindful of when it’s holding you back

Don’t be afraid to let your guard down and show a little vulnerability.


Real strength comes from being authentically you, flaws and all.


Be You. Do You. For You.


Leadership Insight: Authenticity as Your Superpower

Ever feel like you’re playing a role at work, like you’ve got this script you have to stick to?

It’s exhausting, right?

The mask we wear to “fit in” is the heaviest burden of all. True power comes when we let it go and embrace our authentic selves.

Sara learned the hard way that trying to be what she wasn’t was not only tiring but also a huge missed opportunity.


Here’s Why Being Real Matters:

  • Builds Trust

    When you drop the act and lead with your true self, you’re sending a message that you’re trustworthy.

    Your team can sense when you’re genuine, and that builds a rock-solid foundation.

  • Fosters Connection

    Hard truth: people connect with people, not titles or roles.

    When you show your human side, you invite others to do the same, and that creates a deep, meaningful connection.

  • Encourages Growth

    Admitting you don’t know everything opens the door to learning and growing—both for you and your team.

    It’s like saying, “Hey, we’re in this together, let’s figure it out.


Actionable Steps: How You Can Lead Authentically

  1. Embrace Vulnerability: Share a time when you didn’t have all the answers. Use it as a learning moment, not just for you but for your team as well.
  2. Align with Your Values: Regularly check in with your values and ensure your actions reflect them. Ever feel that nagging discomfort when something doesn’t sit right? That’s your values trying to tell you something. Listen to them.
  3. Lead by Example: Want your team to be authentic? Show them how it’s done. Be the first to step out of the comfort zone. Create an environment where authenticity is celebrated and they will follow your lead.


Career Empowerment: Living Your Truth at Work

How often do you feel like you have to “fit in” at work, to be someone you’re not, just to get by?

It’s like wearing a pair of shoes that don’t quite fit—they might look good, but they sure are uncomfortable.


For many career professionals, the pressure to conform can be overwhelming.

We’re often told to “play the game,” to fit in, to adapt to whatever is expected.

But what if the real game-changer was being unapologetically yourself?


Why Being Unapologetically YOU Matters:

  • Authenticity Breeds Confidence

    The moment you stop pretending to be someone else and start being yourself, there’s this incredible shift.

    Your confidence levels soar because you’re no longer trying to keep up an act.

  • Attracts the Right Opportunities

    When you’re true to yourself, the right people and opportunities start to find you.

    It’s like magic—but really, it’s just authenticity doing its thing.

  • Reduces Stress

    Yes, please!!! Pretending to be something you’re not is exhausting. When you let go of that, you’ll find a whole new level of peace and energy.


Actionable Steps: How to Bring Your Whole Self to Work

  1. Self-Reflection: Take a moment to think about where you’re holding back or presenting a false-front. What would happen if you showed up as your true self, unapologetically?
  2. Speak Your Truth: Start small. Maybe it’s sharing your real opinion in a meeting or being honest about what you need from a project. Your voice matters.
  3. Set Boundaries: Protect your energy and align your work with what matters most to you. Saying no to what doesn’t resonate is just as important as saying yes to what does.


 Shared Wisdom

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

— Carl Jung


Take Action Now: Lean Into Authentic Pride🚀


This week, practice leaning into the light side of pride by celebrating your authentic self.


Take a moment each day to acknowledge something you’re genuinely proud of, whether it’s

➡ a small win

➡ staying true to your values, or

➡ simply showing up as the real you


At the same time, keep an eye out for moments when pride might be holding you back. When you catch it creeping in, challenge yourself to let go of the need for perfection and embrace vulnerability instead. Notice when pride:

➡ keeps you from asking for help,

➡ makes it difficult to admit when you’re wrong, or

➡ drives you to maintain an image rather than being real.

Here’s to embracing your true self with pride and letting go of what no longer serves you.


Let’s Spark a Conversation! 🔥

What’s your story?

How has embracing your authentic self impacted your leadership or career?


I’d love to hear about your journey.  Post your thoughts in the comment section. 

Thanks for tuning in to The Confidence Chronicles!


True power isn’t about pretending—it’s about showing up as the real, raw, beautifully imperfect you.


Until next time, stay confident, stay authentic, and keep shining.
