Why Stepping Away Can Make You a Better Leader

career confidence emotional intelligence leadership performance improvement Sep 17, 2024
 A yellow balance beam with two sides. On the left side, a simple figure stands with their hands together, next to the text,

As leaders, we know that taking time out of the office isn’t just about getting a break—it’s a game-changer for long-term success.

When we take time to recharge, we show our teams how important it is to do what truly refuels us.

And no, I’m not talking about pedicures or a round of golf (though if that works for you, great!).

It’s about finding the activity that takes you away from the constant mental and emotional demands of the office—whether it’s a hike, time with family, reading, or just having space to think.

And here’s where things get tricky —> How do you step away without feeling like you’re leaving your team hanging?

Think of it like walking a balance beam—there’s a fine line between recharging and being too distant.

Finding that sweet spot is what helps both you and your team thrive.


Emotion Highlight: Balance

Balance isn't just about juggling tasks—it's about finding that rhythm where you’re fully present for your team, but also making space to recharge.

It’s the feeling of knowing you’re in the right place at the right time—whether that’s

➡ in a meeting,

➡ having a one-on-one with a team member, or

➡ stepping away to clear your head.

When you’re balanced, you’re

⚖️ more effective,

⚖️ more creative, and, let’s be honest,

⚖️ a lot more fun to work with.

Balance helps you avoid burnout while also showing up as your best self for the people who count on you.


Leadership Insight

Being a great leader isn’t about being in the office 24/7.

It’s about knowing when to be hands-on and when to step back and let your team handle things.

When you take time to recharge, you come back with fresh energy and new ideas that can push the whole team forward.

But here’s the catch: if you’re out too often, things can start to fall apart.

Your team might

😕 feel lost,

😕 communication breaks down, and

😕 suddenly everyone’s running in different directions.


How do you strike that balance?

  1. Be Clear with Your Team: Let them know when you’re stepping away and how they can reach you if they need something. This keeps everyone on the same page and avoids the feeling of being left in the dark.
  2. Delegate Like a Pro: Give your team the trust and responsibility they need to make decisions while you’re out. This builds their confidence and reduces the need for you to always be around.
  3. Make Time for Face Time: Stepping away is definitely important, but don’t forget to spend quality time with your team. Regular check-ins and one-on-ones keep those relationships strong and ensure that everyone is aligned.


Career Empowerment

Whether you're in a leadership role or not, balance is just as important for you.

We’ve all had those days where we’re glued to the desk, deep in the grind, and by the end of it, we’re completely drained. That’s not sustainable.

Taking time to step away—even just for a walk or a mental reset—can be a game-changer.

It’s not about checking out; it’s about coming back with fresh energy and new ideas.



A colleague once shared how they were stuck on a major project deadline. After weeks of pushing hard with no real progress, they decided to take a day off—totally unplugging from work. They returned the next day, and within an hour, the breakthrough idea they needed just clicked. Sometimes, stepping back is exactly what you need to move forward with more clarity and impact.




This week, commit to finding your balance.

Start with a simple step—schedule a break, even if it’s just 15 minutes to clear your head (some call this a clarity break).

You’ll be surprised how much more focused and effective you can be when you give yourself permission to recharge.


Shared Wisdom

"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create." – Jana Kingsford

Leadership isn’t about waiting for the perfect balance to just happen—it’s something you actively work on every day.

➡ Whether it’s setting boundaries,

➡ taking time to recharge, or

➡ being fully present with your team

Balance is the key to thriving instead of just surviving.


Take Action Now

This week, take one step toward creating your balance. Whether it’s

💪 scheduling a short break,

💪 setting clearer boundaries, or

💪 making more time for face-to-face connections

Pick one thing and commit to it.

Balance doesn’t just happen—it’s built, one small action at a time.


Let’s Spark a Conversation! 🔥

What’s your go-to strategy for balancing leadership and recharging? 💪

➡ Do you have a favorite way to reset?

➡ How do you reconnect with your team after stepping away?

Drop your thoughts in the comments, and let’s exchange ideas on creating more balance in leadership!

As always, I’d love to hear from you!

Whether it's feedback, questions, or your own tips on balancing leadership, feel free to drop me a line.

Your insights and experiences keep these conversations going, and I truly value your perspective.

Make it a joyous and productive day!
